
Factors Affecting the Printing Cost of Paper Printing Machine

Summary:What are the factors that affect the printing cost of paper printing machine? In the printing process of the paper print...

What are the factors that affect the printing cost of paper printing machine?

In the printing process of the paper printing press, although the ink only accounts for 15% of the printing cost (paper accounts for 45%), the printing factory has never given up its efforts to reduce the cost of the ink. The packaging printing factory hopes that the ink supplier will best Provide ink products that meet the requirements at a cost-effective price.

While choosing high-quality inks can reduce the cost of gravure printing, you can analyze why you choose high-quality inks from these aspects:

1. Ink colorability: In the case of a certain amount of ink, the higher the ink colorability, the more jobs printed and the greater the profit.

2. The adaptability of ink to high-speed printing: At present, the speed of domestic paper printing presses is generally around 150 m/min, and the increase of printing press speed will reduce the operating cost of the printing plant and increase efficiency.

3. The use of auxiliary agents or the use of supporting auxiliary agents: the addition of auxiliary agents in the printing process of the paper printing machine will increase the printing cost, increase the preparation time before printing, waste manpower, and also affect the stability of the ink, and will also affect the stability of the ink. Processing brings troubles. No need to add or rarely add additives is the best choice.

Therefore, the choice of high-quality inks for paper printers can reduce the cost of gravure printing.

For more product information, please contact Ronghua digital printing machine manufacturer.