
The Key Advantages of Digital Creasing Machines

Summary:A digital increasing machine is a type of machine that is used to create creases or folds in paper, cardstock, or other ...

A digital increasing machine is a type of machine that is used to create creases or folds in paper, cardstock, or other materials. These machines are designed to be used in commercial printing and finishing operations and are often used to create folded brochures, greeting cards, and other printed materials that require precise creases.

Digital increasing machines typically use a combination of digital technology and mechanical increasing tools to create increases in the material being processed. The machine is programmed with the desired increase pattern and then uses motorized rollers to apply pressure to the material, creating the increases.

One of the key advantages of digital creasing machines is their precision and accuracy. Because they are digitally controlled, they can create very precise crease patterns, ensuring that the finished product looks clean and professional. Additionally, they can often work much faster than manual Creasing methods, making them ideal for high-volume production environments.

Digital increasing machines are available in a range of sizes and configurations, with different levels of automation and features. Some models may be designed for specific materials or applications, while others may be more versatile and able to handle a variety of different jobs.

Ningbo Ronghua Digital Post Printing Equipment Co., Ltd. not only has digital creasing machine, but also digital printing machine and other products. Welcome to visit our official website.